Pixels Trade
Your digital transformation partner
Pixels Trade : High value provider
Pixels Trade is a Swiss based recognized technology company developing innovative digital solutions for customers worldwide. Since 2010 we continuously invest in research and development to ensure to use the latest technologies and use the most adapted solutions for digital strategies, mobile applications, web solutions and always are perceived as a digital disruptor.
We are proud of our team of over 30 experts in Digital transformation and development. We focus on 3 main pillars: Finance, Healthcare and Supply chain.
Pixels Trade is surfing on technology innovation waves and our ability to continuously seek for the future of digital tools has been awarded many times for various projects related to use of IoT connected devices and sensors, smar real-time tracking, ibeacon, facial recognition, machine learning. We bring success to our customers !

Our 3 pillars

Digital Logistic & Supply Chain
PIXELS TRADE is partnering with multinationals in the fields of IoT. We are developing IoT innovations allowing our commodities industry partners to digitalize their supply chain, improving safety, upgrading tracking efficiency, and significantly reducing costs.
Please visit our realizations on Supply Chain[/stack_cards]

Digital Finance
PIXELS TRADE is pro-actively supporting the finance industry and a wide range of financial institutions, banks and funds with compliance digital tools, netbanking applications, workflow softwares, banks and funds websites.
Please visit exemples of our realizations on Finance

Digital Healthcare
Pixels TRADE is imshealth and Kadrige certified. We serve the pharmaceutical and healthcare industry digital needs, enabling our parters to collect, capture and analyze Data. Our production includes EADV-CLM certified content, health mobile and web applications for industry and for general public.
Please visit our healthcare realizations on Healthcare
Pixels Trade Awards

Multicanal Banking solution
Best banking solution in Tunisia for Web, mobile, tablet and TV.[/stack_cards]

Pixels Trade Banking solution
Our e-banking solution has the privilege to be selected as the best solution in North Africa.[/stack_cards]

Innovation in healthcare
The application won the first award technological innovation in healthcare on behalf of Samsung.[/stack_cards]

Selection of Pixels Trade
The application was selected to benefit from the Research and Innovation System Support Project, an eu initiative.[/stack_cards]

Innovation award
Developed gathering GPS points technology gave us the opportunity to win the first award in Africain territory.[/stack_cards]

First award
Most innovative mobile application in Healthcare Tunisia. TunPharma is a web and mobile solution.[/stack_cards]